
Modern technological systems increase in scale and are becoming more and more complex and sophisticated. Parallel, the revolution in electronics, digital technology and communications have drastically modified and expanded the physical diversity, scope, processing capabilities and complexity of the monitoring equipment and infrastructure used. Millions of networked sensors are being embedded in the physical world sensing, creating and communicating data. The amount of data available for capturing has been exploding and the era of Big Data is already here, as the Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming a reality. The main question which arises is how, following which steps and with which tools the data can be transformed to information and knowledge.

The proposed MOIRA project (MOnItoRing of large scale complex technologicAl systems) brings together early stage researchers and experienced specialists from key players in academia and industry across Europe covering different scientific disciplines and industrial stakeholders from a broad range of backgrounds to optimally tackle the challenges ahead. The MOIRA Fellows will be trained in innovative PhD topics as well as receiving specific theoretical and practical education in the fields of mechanical engineering and computer science, focusing towards the online early accurate identification of abnormal incidents with minimum false alarms and missed detections.

MOIRA is based around 12 Beneficiaries and 4 Partner Organisations made up of leading universities like KU Leuven (KUL), top research institutions like the Fraunhofer institute, and major industry like Siemens (SISW). Together, these 15 Participants address the Triple-I dimension of research training, being International, Interdisciplinary and Intersectoral. the ESRs will be put on exciting career paths in some of Europe’s flagship industries, while European society will benefit from a critical mass of young engineers trained in the rapidly emerging field of knowledge.