Technical and Industrial Workshop

1 st Public Technical Workshop on Condition Monitoring of Complex Systems & 1st industrial workshop 

 Hosted by The EC Horizon 2020 European Training Network “MOIRA” (MOnItoRing of large scale complex technologicAL systems) 


Dates: June 19-21, 2023 

Location: Wroclaw University of Science and Technology 

GEO 3EM Research Center, na Grobli 15, Wroclaw,Poland 


The workshop highlights developments in knowledge discovery methodologies, algorithms, and technologies, monitoring of large scale complex systems / Mining industry perspective 

Principles of SCADA, Industrial Networks and Infrastructure networks, SCADA system components, Monitoring of mining machinery. 

It was a 3-days interactive seminar series that gathered experts who presented different aspects of monitoring of large scale complex systems, as well as Fellows in the H2020 MOIRA project. They attended the workshop, participated in lectures given by industry experts, but also presented and discussed their research results. Topics include fault detection, noise analysis for condition monitoring, FMEA-based systematic and holistic analysis and health monitoring.   


Outline Agenda

Day 1 - Monday 19th June 

Arrival refreshments from 8:45am 

11:00 – 13:15 industrial presentations (40min + 5 mins Q&A) 

(Lunch provided) 

13:30 – 15:00 Fellow’s technical presentations (10 min + 5 mins Q&A) 

15:15-15:45 Lab Tour in GEO3EM 

(Dinner provided) 


Day 2 - Tuesday 20th June 

Arrival refreshments from 8:45am 

9:30 – 14:30 industrial presentations (40min + 5 mins Q&A) 

 (Lunch provided) 

14:45 – 16:15 Fellow’s technical presentations (10 min + 5 mins Q&A) 

(Dinner provided) 


Day 3 - Wednesday 21th June 

Arrival refreshments from 8:45am 

9:00 – 13:00 Technical presentations (20 min + 10 mins Q&A) 

(Lunch provided) 

14:00 – 17:30 Fellow’s technical presentations (30 min + 15 mins Q&A) 


Detailed Agenda

 Monday 19th   

11:00  12:15  Arrival & Registration, lunch   
12:15  12:30  Company presentation AMC VIBRO  prof. Tomasz Barszcz & Adam Jablonski 
12:30  13:15  Presentation & Q&A:  

(Sensors, measurements, monitoring systems, data analysis for industrial applications) 

Adam Jablonski  
13:15  13:30  Coffee break   
13:30  14:00  Presentation & Q&A:  

(How to measure if your condition monitoring practices are successful?”) 

Douw Marx 
14:00  14:30  Presentation & Q&A:  

(How to integrate visual and acoustic methods for monitoring of heavy duty machinery?”) 

Mohammad Siami 
  14:30       15:00  Presentation & Q&A: 

(We all collect many trends – how can we make use of it for automatic prognosis?”)  

Hamid Shiri 
  15:45      15:15  Coffee break   
  15:15      15:45  Lab Tour in GEO3EM   


Tuesday 20th   

09:00  09:30  Arrival   
09:30  09:45  Presentation & Q&A: 

(Company presentation Siemens Industry Software) 

Bram Cornelis 
09:45  10:30  Presentation & Q&A: 

(End-of-Line Testing and Structural Health Monitoring activities at Siemens Industry Software) 

Bram Cornelis 
10:30  10:45  Coffee break   
10:45  11:30  Presentation & Q&A:  

(A federated learning approach to a fault diagnosis bearing problem) 

Fabrizio De Fabritiis 
11:30  12:15  Presentation & Q&A:  

(Dataset shift and its impact on machine learning-based fleet monitoring) 

Deepti Kunte 
12:30  13:30  lunch   
13:30  13:45  Presentation & Q&A:  

(Company presentation Safran company) 

Mohamad El Badaui 
13:45  14:30  Presentation & Q&A:  

(Health monitoring of aeronautical equipment (bearings, gears) 

Mohamad El Badaui 
14:30  14:45  Coffee break   
  14:45       15:30  Presentation & Q&A:  

(Behaviour and Diagnostics Analysis for Aircraft Engines) 

Fadi Karkafi 
  15:30      16:15  Presentation & Q&A:  

(Hybrid Prognostic Methodology for Aircraft Systems) 

Felix Fu 



Wednesday 21th   

08:45  08:55  Arrival   
08:55  09:00  Welcome and Introduction  Hamid Shiri 
09:00  09:30  Presentation & Q&A: 

(Monitoring of large scale complex systems / Mining industry perspective (from local measurements, online monitoring systems to mobile inspection robots)) 

Radosław Zimroz 
09:30  10:00  Presentation & Q&A: 

(Cyclostationarity in non-Gaussian environment) 

Wojciech Żuławiński 
10:00  10:30  Presentation & Q&A: 

(Advanced signal processing using NMF/NTF) 

Mateusz Gabor 
10:30  11:00  Coffee break   
11:00  11:30  Presentation & Q&A:  

(Local damage detection – filtering optimisation via GA) 

Jacek Wodecki 
11:30  12:00  Presentation & Q&A:  

(Local damage detection in presence non-Gaussian noise) 

Radosław Zimroz 
12:00  12:30  Presentation & Q&A:  

(Dynamical models in diagnostics of industrial machines) 

Pavlo Krot 
12:30  14:00  lunch   
14:00  14:45  Presentation & Q&A:  


Atabak Mostafavi 
14:45  15:30  Presentation & Q&A:  

(Effective Identification of Cyclic Excitation and Resonance in Non-stationary Gearbox Vibration Monitoring) 

Mojtaba Ahani 
15:30  16:00  Coffee break   
  16:00       16:45  Presentation & Q&A:  

(Human Cognition in Future Maintenance Operations) 

Parul Khanna 
  16:45      17:30  Presentation & Q&A:  

(Intelligent Robotic System for Physical Interaction Tasks) 

Benjamin Tapia Sal Paz (

Links to Presentations

Monday 19 June 2023

Tuesday 20 June 2023

Wednesday 21 June 2023